Lattanzio KIBS' contribution to civil protection and humanitarian aid in Myanmar
To support the government of Myanmar in providing its people with basic services such as social protection, disaster risk reduction and access to adequate food, the European Union is using the European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), a global network dedicated to assisting victims of conflict and disaster. In this context, Lattanzio KIBS was tasked to provide the European delegation with strategic guidance and actionable recommendations in Burma.
More details
Objectives of the assignment:
- Consider past EU interventions in food security, nutrition, social protection, and disaster risk reduction, including taking into account ECHO's interventions in these areas, particularly in conflict-affected areas
- Draft strategic guidance for EU programming in ECHO's domains of responsibility, also incorporating guidelines regarding interventions on peri-urban areas
- Provide recommendations regarding collaboration among EU member states in humanitarian aid contexts
- To develop suggestions on how to effectively integrate gender equality policies in the context of the operation
To provide as accurate an assessment as possible, Lattanzio KIBS organized field visits to the Northern Shan and Kachin mountainous territories and the Southeast of the country, verifying the risk factors affecting the most fragile segments of the population in these regions.
Project Impact
The assessment allowed for a look at the effectiveness of best practices to be implemented in Myanmar with a view to future interventions in the country. Through ECHO's general analysis of interventions in high-risk areas and field data collection conducted directly in the country, Lattanzio KIBS provided the EU delegation with a comprehensive recommendations toolkit specifically implementable in Burma.
The Project
Human Rights
Work Areas
Fragility and crisis managementServices