Lattanzio KIBS implements e-learning programmes for EFSA to improve professional knowledge of the 20 “priority pests” in the EU and developing countries

The European Food Safety Authority project aims at training, through e-learning courses, an increasingly competent and knowledgeable staff in the event of a plant health crisis, It also has the goal of developing an effective risk-based assessment through the “tool kit” for plant pest surveillance.

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Specifically, Lattanzio KIBS will deal with:

  1. Developing e-learning courses with case studies, audiovisual materials, enabling the issuing of the final certification to learners;
  2. Providing webinars, which provide a methodological framework of the subject and an overview of the 20 pest forms to be investigated as a priority for the EU;
  3. Bringing together expertise from the fields of agronomy, plant pathology, entomology, statistics, field inspection and pest diagnostics.

Project Impact

Lattanzio KIBS believes that the implementation of targeted training courses, supported by professionals in various fields, allows for effective learning and, consequently, greater awareness of pest forms among relevant users, such as national, regional and local inspection services, laboratory services supporting inspections, risk managers, in all 27 Member States and developing countries.

This leads to a much more accurate and comprehensive pest risk evaluation and a more efficient and functional prevention.