Lattanzio KIBS supports FRANET in analysis and data collection services on the rights of people with disabilities

The right to political participation of people with disabilities 

FRANET, the EU multidisciplinary research network collaborating with the European Commission and the Academic Network of European Disability Experts (ANED), entrusts Lattanzio KIBS with the research and data collection project on the rights of persons with disabilities. 
In particular, the service is aimed at preparing the Report on "The right to political participation of people with disabilities in view of the 2024 European Parliament elections".

The indicators for fundamental rights

Through the data collection activity, which takes place over 48 months, Lattanzio KIBS contributes to outlining a list of human rights indicators that assess the political participation of people with disabilities in the EU.
The specific focus of the research is the identification of indicators that measure a State's acceptance, intention or commitment to fulfil its human rights obligations, including the right to vote and participate in European Parliament elections as well as municipal elections, as expected of EU citizens.

Read more on the project sheet: The research and data collection activities on fundamental rights in Ireland