Lattanzio KIBS presents the results of the RDP Campania 2014-2022 Climate Change Monothematic Insight

With the RDP towards more sustainable agriculture?

Lattanzio KIBS participated as an independent evaluator in the dissemination event "The contribution of the Campania RDP to combating climate change - A transversal reading" at the Tiempo congress hall of the Centro Direzionale in Naples.

The meeting provided the opportunity to share the results of the 2023 Monothematic Insight on Climate Change of the RDP Campania 2014-2022, aimed at identifying the direct and indirect effects of the Campania Rural Development Plan on climate change.

The impact of evaluation

The results showed that the RDP contributed to the reduction of nitrous oxide input through a decrease in the use of fertilisers, the efficiency of machinery supporting the production process through infrastructure investments and the promotion of energy from renewable sources.

At a time when the increase in natural disasters is clearly evident, Lattanzio KIBS' evaluation put the final focus on the effectiveness of integrated and organic farming as opposed to traditional agriculture in reducing Co2 emissions and preventing climate change.

Find out more: Monothematic report - The contribution of the Campania RDP to combating climate change